12: Wattenwil to Schwarzenburg

Near the end of the Canton of Bern

Today, the journey begins through the last hamlets of the Thun district before winding through the countryside and picturesque villages of the Schwarzenburg district, nestled between the meandering waters of the Scharzwasser to the east and the bends of the Sengine to the west. This region holds a unique history, shaped by the sale, in the 15th century, of its lands in equal parts to the cantons of Fribourg and Bern by the Dukes of Savoy. Thus began the austere era of dual rule, a period that lasted until 1798, leaving its mark on the destiny of this small, often impoverished territory, as neither Bern nor Fribourg were inclined to substantially invest in its development. It was only with the advent of the Helvetic Constitution in 1798 that Bern was granted full annexation of the Schwarzenburg region, sealing its fate as a Bernese district.

Drawing from our varied experience on Santiago tracks, we have generally favored routes in clear weather. However, it is undeniable that rain has its own allure and transforms landscapes. As the saying goes: “Morning rain doesn’t stop the pilgrim.” During our passage here, the heavens poured their tears abundantly, almost obscuring the trail from our view. Capturing images in such conditions posed a challenge, as our lens turned a raindrop into a mere bead of water. Thus, we revisited certain stretches on less gloomy days, offering a unique perspective, the same landscape under different climates, without altering the essential message: that of narrating and illustrating the journey. After all, why not sing in the rain?

We divided the course into several sections to make it easier to see. For each section, the maps show the course, the slopes found on the course, and the state of the roads. The courses were drawn on the “Wikilocs” platform. Today, it is no longer necessary to walk around with detailed maps in your pocket or bag. If you have a mobile phone or tablet, you can easily follow routes live.

For this stage, here is the link:


Difficulty level: The elevation gains, with their altitudes (+588 meters/-392 meters), prove significant for a relatively short stage. However, the steepest slopes punctuate our journey throughout the day. First, the initial ascent above Wattenwil proves to be the most challenging. Then, the gentle climb from Riggisberg to Rüeggisberg provides a welcome respite. Finally, the trail winds vigorously through the woods after crossing the Schwarzwasser, just before reaching the end of your stage. The descents, on the other hand, present little difficulty.

State of the Via Jacobi: True to form, the roads continue to stand out as they dominate the trails amidst nature.

  • Paved roads: 12. 8 km
  • Dirt roads: 7.7 km

It’s clear that not all travelers are comfortable using GPS and navigating via smartphone, and there are still many areas without an internet connection. As a result, you find a book on Amazon that covers this journey.







If you only want to consult lodging of the stage, go directly to the bottom of the page.





Sometimes, for reasons of logistics or housing possibilities, these stages mix routes operated on different days, having passed several times on Via Podiensis. From then on, the skies, the rain, or the seasons can vary. But, generally this is not the case, and in fact this does not change the description of the course.

It is very difficult to specify with certainty the incline of the slopes, whatever the system you use.

For those seeking “true elevations” and enthusiasts of genuine altimetric challenges, carefully review the information on mileage at the beginning of the guide.

Section 1: On the heights of Wattenwil

Overview of the route’s challenges: steep ascent up the hill.

The Via Jacobi departs from Wattenwil at the heights of the village near the temple. The new construction dates back to the late 17th century, with baptismal fonts and bells taken from the old building. The presbytery is housed in a former mansion, in a baroque style.

A small road leads above the temple, crosses the Oeligraben stream, a tributary of the Gürbe, and climbs steeply through meadows and fruit trees. The crystalline murmur of water rushing over polished stones accompanies the footsteps of pilgrims.

A beautiful view of the village below quickly unfolds. The red tiled roofs stand out against the lush green backdrop of the valley, while the temple steeple silently watches over the village.

The slope steepens rapidly, reaching nearly 10 to 15% gradient among the ash trees. On the steep slope, there are houses, whether they are farms or primary residences is uncertain. Wattenwil has also become a commuter village over time. The hillsides are adorned with a mosaic of lush meadows and shaded groves, where picturesque houses with colorful shutters hide.

Shortly after, the Via Jacobi takes a narrower road. Trees close in around the path, forming a canopy of greenery where sunlight plays hide-and-seek with rustling leaves.

Then the slope becomes even steeper, reaching nearly a 20% incline. Walkers struggle against gravity, their short breaths punctuating the mountain’s silence.

It’s even more challenging when rain drips from your forehead onto your pilgrim’s cloak, and drops bead on your face.

One might think it’s better to have a 4X4 vehicle to live here in winter. The houses seem to cling to the mountainside, as if to defy the rigors of winter that descend upon these remote regions.

Higher up, you reach the culmination of the day’s major effort and let out a sigh of relief. The summit reveals a breathtaking panorama, a well-deserved reward for those who dare to climb these steep paths.

In this stage, pay close attention to the signs! There are misleading signs that can lead you astray. There is only one correct direction, indicated by the Via Jacobi 4, framed in blue, in the forward direction. Here also begins the path leading to the Stauffenbühl B&B, a welcome sight for those who haven’t found accommodation in Wattenwil.

Turning back towards the valley, you have the privilege of seeing the giants of the Bernese Alps in front of you: the Eiger, the Mönch, the Jungfrau, and the Finsteraarhorn. The snow-capped peaks stand majestically on the horizon, like sentinels watching over the sleeping valleys. Whether in fine weather or in a light, ghostly fog, it’s pure bliss.

The Via Jacobi then meanders through the grass on the hillside. The path winds among tufts of wild grass, offering walkers intimacy with the untamed nature bordering the path.

Shortly after, the dirt replaces the grass amidst meadows and fruit trees. The ground crackles underfoot, releasing an earthy scent that perfumes the alpine air.

Ahead, on the other side of the valley, stands Burgistein Castle, under which the Via Jacobi passes. There, stone walls stand proudly, silent witnesses to an ancestral history inscribed in the stones.

Shortly thereafter, the path begins to descend slightly. Here is the direction to the Stauffenbühl B&B, just a stone’s throw away. The paths open up to vast, calm, restful green expanses, devoid of mystery.

The entire hillside here is covered with beautiful, well-kept houses, most of them adorned with flowers. The direction is always towards Burgistein Dorf. Gradually, you approach the castle. The houses, like jewels set in the landscape, seem to watch over these blessed lands.

The Via Jacobi then descends along the houses to reach the Bugisteinstrasse, the road that leads to Riggisberg at Burgistein Bir Linde, where there is a restaurant under the lime trees, as the name suggests. Here, the houses resemble more urban dwellings than farms, but their essence still exudes venerable age through the dark wood weathered by the years. They stand with elegance, their facades depicting forgotten tales, their windows, with worn shutters, seeming to guard the secrets of the past with timeless dignity.

Here, the Via Jacobi will take a wide dirt path that climbs fairly steeply towards the castle and Burgistein Dorf. It meanders through meadows, gracefully stretching between green expanses, while scattered groves stand as discreet guardians of the surrounding nature.

The path, almost parallel to the road, avoids the castle. The contours of the castle blend into the landscape, like a mirage emerging from the morning mist, inviting travelers to unravel its mysteries.

The ascent is brief, and the path descends to reach the road at the entrance to Burgstein Dorf, also known as Weier on maps.

In the heart of this tranquil valley, the village is delicately poised on the edge of a pond of ambiguous beauty, its waters reflecting the ambient tranquility, creating an enchanting backdrop for this small hamlet. The narrow streets invite leisurely strolls, revealing new architectural treasures at every turn. The wooden houses, with their ancestral charm, stand proudly, their facades adorned with delicate details evoking a bygone era. Each house seems to tell its own story, with its faded shutters, doors carved by time, and frozen windows. Yet, amidst this antique backdrop, newer constructions also emerge, witnesses to constant evolution. Their clean lines and contemporary materials bring a touch of modernity while respecting the architectural harmony of this preserved place.

The Via Jacobi exits the village, travels about a hundred meters along a rocky slope, and meets the Burgisteinstrasse, the road that leads to Riggisberg at the firefighters’ station. However, the Via Jacobi does not follow the road. It descends onto a small country road parallel to the main road. It’s always good to get away from the hustle and bustle of the main road, to find a welcome escape from the turmoil of modern civilization.

There are again very beautiful farms along the route, some even built quite recently. There are probably also some residences not inhabited by local farmers. What is quite surprising in the canton of Bern is that manure heaps are rarely seen by the roadside, as they are in the canton of Fribourg. Farms, symbols of traditional agriculture, always remain in the canton of Bern a symbol of man living in harmony with the land.

A little further down, the Via Jacobi veers off the small road and goes into the grass on a small hill. But you can just as well continue on the road. There are no vehicles, or very rarely. But isn’t it better to choose a wilder path?

Section 2: Over hill and dale in the Bernese countryside

Overview of the route’s challenges: a rather steep ascent above Riggisberg.

On this graceful path, every step is a caress to the soul, a symphony of sensations where the earth seems to reveal its most intimate secrets. The maples, majestic in their splendor, stretch their branches towards the sky, while the beeches and oaks stand like vigilant guardians, watching over this landscape imbued with serenity.

At the edge of the woods, the small path running through the grass joins the road at the locality of Untere Elbschen.

From here, it’s a short half-hour to reach Riggisberg. Beyond the trees, stretches a breathtaking panorama that reveals the sleepy village of Riggisberg, seeming to peacefully watch over its fertile lands. Here, each new construction is a tribute to past generations, a promise of continuity and beauty, evoking the wisdom of ancestors who knew how to build with harmony.

The road slopes down gradually into the dale, gently sloping amidst beautiful farms, fruit trees, and grand oaks.

Then, a wide dirt road replaces the pavement. Here, where nature reigns supreme, beech trees majestically line the Müllibach stream, their branches stretched like protective arms over the clear waters. The stream, a true gem of this preserved countryside, gracefully winds between the trees, offering enchanting spectacle to the walkers of its crystalline dance.

At the edge of the woods, the stream disappears into the bushes, near a humble oratory standing like an offering to the surrounding nature.

Life resumes its peaceful course near the stream, where exuberant flora testifies to the vitality of this preserved ecosystem.

Soon, the horizon widens, revealing the familiar silhouette of Riggisberg now appearing in the near distance. 

Approaching the small town, the road briefly slopes up, reaffirming its presence as the pavement takes over, marking the territory of civilization in this rural landscape.

The Via Jacobi soon blends into the urban fabric of the town, where cobblestone streets resonate with the joyful hum of daily life. It passes through a town (2,500 inhabitants), which is a regional hub of importance, where one can find all the shops, even a small hospital and a museum of woven textiles. The castle is away from the village, and the route does not pass through it. It’s the tourist gateway to the Gantrisch region.

Stone stairs gracefully wind up to the top of the hill, where the temple stands like a spiritual beacon amidst the tranquility of the landscape.

The church dates back to the 12th century, and its bell tower is of late Romanesque style. During the Reformation, the church was closed and was only reopened in the 16th century, where it became a temple. It has been renovated over the centuries, with the last transformation at the end of the last century.

From the church square, the gaze embraces the endless expanse of the countryside, where verdant hills blend with the snowy peaks of distant mountains, on a clear day, one can even see the giants of the Bernese Alps. Better than a mere postcard!

A steep road leads to the top, where the hospital spreads its protective wings, offering a haven of peace to troubled souls.

The Via Jacobi then moves away from the outskirts of the small town, making its way through elegant neighborhoods where old master houses, all aged wood, vie for beauty. At first, the slope is severe. In the distance, fields stretch as far as the eye can see, their green pastures merging into the horizon.

Let’s change the scene a bit to show another reality of the path and progress a bit under the pouring rain. All this puts the landscapes into perspective.

Beyond the village limits, the road turns into a path, winding through undulating meadows where tall grasses dance with the wind. The countryside, in all its splendor, reveals its hidden charms to those who take the time to linger.

Then, like a promise of comfort, the pavement reappears, offering a safer path in bad weather towards the heights, where the majestic ranch of Haselmatt stands like an oasis of peace amidst the green meadows.

Further on, the road climbs again, almost defying the laws of gravity in a fervent ascent towards the sleepy village of Tromwil, where time seems to have stopped in an eternal embrace.

Section 3: Through the beautiful houses of the Canton of Berne

Overview of the route’s challenges: easy passage before a more challenging descent into the dale.

 The route unfolds until Tromwil, passing through farms that, even in the rain, display unparalleled grandeur and elegance. A living tableau where agricultural opulence competes with the stormy skies. Swiss landscapes have never seemed as resplendent as in these Bernese lands. The charm of the farms embracing the hills spreads like an impressionist canvas, where every raindrop reveals a story.

At the outskirts of the village, the modest road slopes up with determination, winding between the hills until it joins a more imposing artery, connecting Riggisberg to Rüeggisberg, towards Mättiwil. .

La pluie s’intensifie, peignant les alentours d’une aura mystique tandis que le brouillard s’attarde sur les vallées. Mais au-delà de ces caprices du ciel, l’essence même de la beauté de ces terres réside dans leur dualité. Allez ! On va quitter le mauvais temps pour revenir ici par beau temps sous le soleil. Le contraste est alors saisissant.

Lake Thun stretches below, reflecting the dizzying peaks of the Bernese Alps where the titans, Eiger, Mönch, and Jungfrau, reign. A spectacle in perpetual motion, like a visual symphony where each note is an invitation to wonder.

Arriving at Mättiwil marks the convergence point between the Via Jacobi 4 and its variant returning from Bern. We will also address this route on this site.

Mättiwil offers a breathtaking showcase of Bernese rural architecture. Here, farms stand like colossi, majestic and imposing, their presence leaving no doubt about their grandeur. Every detail is carefully considered, from the charming facades to the flower-filled gardens adorning the balconies, without a hint of a manure heap to tarnish this perfection.

At the exit of the hamlet, a path unfolds peacefully through cultivated lands, offering a purified vision of the countryside, punctuated here and there by scattered crops.

The path quickly reaches the recent part of Rüeggisberg the village.  

The village, with its 1,800 souls, rises like a peaceful jewel, a haven of tranquility bordered by splendid residences. This village, a true ode to rural heritage, transforms into an open-air living museum, where every street is a gallery of art in its own right. Imagine dozens of houses, pyramids of stone and wood, with facades adorned with brightly colored flowers, lined up with infinite grace along the road. These bourgeois residences, with multiple floors, seem to vie for elegance in a harmonious dance with the surrounding mountains.

The route then leads to the Rüeggisberg cloister, once a glorious vestige of the Cistercian order. The site has gradually disappeared to become just a large farm, which it still is today. But the site remains quite remarkable, full of tranquility and serenity.

Once you leave these vestiges, nature awakens in all its splendor, sometimes wild and enchanting by turns. The path ventures into the woods, winding between ancient trees, accompanied by the melodious murmur of the Grüenibach stream.

This portion of the journey, although less bustling, holds its share of discoveries. The path plays with the meanders of the road, offering a delicate ballet between wooded heights and verdant meadows.

The descent promises to be steep, amid the tall grass that weaves a dark dome above the path.

In the hollow of the dale, the path crosses the Grüenibach stream before returning to the tranquility of the road.

The Via Jacobi continues along the road to Helgisried, where vast farms stand proudly, silent witnesses to an ancestral tradition. Here, every detail tells the story of a community attached to its roots. A horse proudly displays the awards won by its owner.

Don’t be surprised by the stage lights here. We have taken images from an alternate stage of the route returning from Bern to Rüeggisberg. So, it’s an autumn morning. Today, the fog makes the landscape phantasmagorical and impressionistic.

At Hegelsried, around a majestic farm, the Via Jacobi takes a small road that winds through the countryside towards the isolated hamlet of Matten.

Section 4: A brief passage near the Schwarzwasser

Overview of the route’s challenges: steep descent followed by a respite before climbing back up to the high plateau beyond the river.

Along a peaceful road winding through green meadows, unfolds a true bucolic scene. Like a symphony of nature, the Via Jacobi breaks away from the asphalt ribbon to venture into a ballet of wild grasses towards Schwarzenburgstrasse, the main backdrop of this rural setting.

In this landscape waltz, the path then leads towards the houses of Bühlstutz. The murmur of the cantonal road below accompanies their silhouette.

The houses of Bühlstutz, scattered like pearls along this ribbon of civilization, stand out with a touching simplicity against the backdrop of the surrounding nature. A mystery surrounds an imposing building, maybe a school, adding a touch of excitement to this gentle escapade.

Then, like a poem in motion, the Via Jacobi, true to its capricious destiny, escapes again, taking a small road, like a dancer twirling towards the heights where the hamlet of Rohrbach calls. The climb, challenging but fleeting, reveals effort and reward in a single breath.

The first rays of the sun today caress the hillsides. Above the cantonal road, the ascent, steep as it may be, reveals the raw beauty of this preserved landscape. Farms, oases of life in this wild setting, emerge like sentinels, occupying a space that appears diminished.

From the heights of the hamlet, the Via Jacobi begins its descent towards the plain, accompanied by the song of the tar underfoot.

Then, through the meadows, it winds its way, gracefully crossing the barriers punctuating its path, like gateways to the unknown, barriers intended to contain the turmoil of livestock.

In Sagi, the path rejoins the cantonal road, allowing travelers to contemplate the rustic charm of Schwartenburgstrasse, while Grüenibach still whispers its secrets, a natural melody in this valley alive with life and mystery.

It is here that a true gem hidden in this secluded valley is revealed: a restaurant where locals gather, a veritable haven of conviviality in the heart of nature. The gentle melody of the river accompanies conversations and forkfuls.

Continuing its journey, the Via Jacobi follows the cantonal road to reach the Wislisaubrücke, a majestic bridge spanning the Schwarzwasser. The murmur of the wild river resonates in the molasse canyon, amidst the beauty of nature.

Beyond this bridge, a path blends into a woodland, a mix of deciduous and coniferous trees, as if to celebrate the gentleness of the world. 

Then, as if by magic, the trail leaves the river to rejoin the cantonal road, offering the traveler a breathtaking view of the surrounding reliefs.

In this green setting, the Via Jacobi veers away from the cantonal road to cross the peaceful Lindebach stream, as if frozen in the eternity of Swiss landscapes. Be careful here if you are accustomed to the Compostelle shell of the French tracks. In Switzerland, the shell never marks the direction. Only follow the signposts of Via Jacobi 4.

Then, like a tightrope walker on the thread of destiny, the path climbs, steep at first, an exhilarating challenge through groves and woodlands, where every step is a dance with nature. The ascent is severe, nearly 20% at the beginning, often on wooden logs to prevent slips. 

As the ascent continues, the trees open up to a sunlit clearing, as a reward for the effort expended. Up there, almost at the top of the hill, life seems suspended in perfect balance, where shadow and light vie for the privilege of caressing enchanting landscapes

Like an irresistible call, the Via Jacobi then sets off to conquer the hill again, defying steep slopes with unwavering determination.

As the seasons pass, the landscape metamorphoses, shifting from shadow to light with infinite grace. In the depths of the canyon, darkness reigns supreme, while at the top, the sun today sets the sky ablaze with its radiant rays.

Upon reaching the summit of the hill, the Via Jacobi offers a breathtaking spectacle. As far as the eye can see, meadows stretch out, bathed in golden light. In the distance, the locality of Granegg, where more than just cows are raised, emerges, a true oasis in the heart of this wild nature.

On the small road traversing the plateau, life flourishes in all its splendor. Amidst the fertile cornfields and lush pastures, farms stand like guardians of time, silent witnesses to the flow of life. The farms are too numerous to count.

And then, as if sprung from nowhere, the farms of Henzischwand stand proudly, like jewels in the countryside’s setting. Surrounded by flowers and greenery, they celebrate the simple beauty of country life, where cattle are king and nature queen.

Section 5: Nearly at the end of the Canton of Bern

Overview of the route’s challenges: The route presents no significant challenges, except near Schönnentannen.

As you follow the paths beaten by the steps of pilgrims, a bucolic symphony unfolds where nature weaves its notes with the tranquil life of farms scattered along the route. The graceful dance of cows and goats, like mischievous deities, seems to orchestrate an enchanting ballet on the heights of Kühmoos, while farms, like jewels nestled in the verdant fabric of the countryside, offer their serenity to the walkers.

With each step, landscapes reveal themselves with crystalline clarity, where farms stand in orderly rows, bearing witness to the harmony between man and the land that sustains them. Here, no disgrace tarnishes the horizon, leaving behind an immaculate purity that caresses the senses and enchants the wandering soul.

Far from the trappings of the modern world, the countryside stretches in all its splendor, unfurling a carpet of greenery and its fields of corn. The countryside here is so clean that you never see a pile of manure lying around. Even dog droppings are eliminated. Further on, the tar gives way to dirt. 

Shortly after, a dirt road will run quite a long time between meadows and corn.

On the horizon, the Fribourg Alps come into view. We are gradually approaching French-speaking Switzerland.

The journey continues, winding through the meanders of the landscape until the road reaches the entrance of Elisried. Here, you are a 45-minute walk from Schwarzenburg.

Here, a call to simplicity resonates, as a generous homeowner opens the doors of their abode to travelers, offering them shelter in a cozy straw bed. This is where the authentic charm of Swiss hospitality resides, enveloping the traveler in a warm embrace, far from the tumults of the modern world.

In this rural tableau, where each element seems to have been painted by the hand of an inspired artist, stacks of cut wood stand like living sculptures, silent witnesses to the daily toil of the inhabitants.

The road continues until reaching Schönnentannen, where one can find refreshment by the roadside.

And yet, the Camino de Santiago reveals its capricious nature, inviting the pilgrim to leave the beaten paths to explore unknown lands. Here lies the magic of the journey, in the possibility of getting lost to better find oneself, of losing oneself to discover oneself better. Of course, the cantonal road continues to Schwarzenburg, just a stone’s throw away. But the Camino de Santiago likes to lead the pilgrim off the easy roads. So, it invents a small part in the grass, and sloping. If you don’t want to brush against the tall grass, you can, at the level of the restaurant, take the wide dirt path that starts below the road. This path will lead you effortlessly to the village.

For others, those who naively believe that the Camino de Santiago is immutable and that it is good never to take a detour or a shortcut, after a small bad staircase, a bad path rudely climbs into the meadows at the top of the hill.

At the crest of the ridge, the world seems to stretch endlessly, revealing Schwarzenburg in all its splendor, nestled in the gentle hills like a precious jewel in nature’s embrace.

The path then becomes confidant, crossing a small grove, inviting the walker to delve into the heart of nature to find oneself better.

In the clearing, the path transforms, blending into the tender grass like a promise of eternity.

And when the crest ends, the road reveals itself again, winding through fields to better guide the traveler to their final destination. With each step, the landscape transforms, offering a perpetually renewed spectacle.

A little lower, you will find yourself above Schwarzenburg, with no trace of the path. Continue without trembling in the meadows or descend into the forest. If you cannot find the path, take the road as well. Schwarzenburg is just below.

Schwarzenburg is a small town with nearly 7,000 inhabitants, complete with all necessary shops. The train also stops here. The town is dotted with beautiful patrician houses.

In the heart of the town, the Dorfbach, like a vital vein, winds through certain parts of the center, offering its soothing murmur to passersby. Along its banks stand beautiful wooden houses, authentic witnesses to timeless charm.

Activity mainly gathers around the small shopping streets near the station. The castle, built at the end of the 16th century, is located peacefully in a park outside the town.

Accomodation on Via Jacobi

  • B&B Staufenbühl, Stauffenbühl 140, Stauffenbühl; 033 557 83 83/ 077 413 62 36; Guestroom, dinner, breakfast
  • Camping Elbschen, Burgistein; 033 356 36 51; Camping, breakfast
  • B&B Aeschenbacher, Breiten 45, Burgistein; 033 356 36 69/079 462 73 62; Guestroom, breakfast
  • B&B Ernst Bäckerei, Vordere Gasse 9, Riggisberg; 031 809 36 36/079 416 36 71; Guestroom, breakfast
  • B&B Schlossgarten, Schlossweg 5, Riggisberg; 031 808 81 11; Guestroom, breakfast
  • Restaurant Brunne, Schlossweg 5, Riggisberg; 031 808 81 43; Guestroom, dinner, breakfast
  • Andi et Doris Steller, Dorfstasse 12, Rüeggisberg; 031 809 18 22/079 718 25 27; Gîte, breakfast
  • Elisabeth et Jürg Wilen, Unter der Eichen 6, Rüeggisberg; 031 331 67 22; Gîte, breakfast
  • Elsbeth et Alfred Buri-Berger, Haslistrasse 16, Rüeggisberg; 031 809 08 30; Gîte, breakfast
  • Cottage Holiday Stöckli, Dorfstrasse 22, Rüeggisberg; 031 809 40 80; Gîte, breakfast
  • Bettina Zwahlen, Bodmattweg 7, Rüeggisberg; 078 683 92 50; Gîte, breakfast
  • Gasthaus Bären, Rüeggisberg; 031 808 03 05; Hotel, dinner, breakfast
  • Pfadiheim Pöschen, Freiburgstrasse 98, Schwarzenburg; 031 731 20 64; Youth hostel, breakfast
  • Mehrzweckanlage, Schwarzenburg; 031 732 01 00; Gîte communal, breakfast
  • B&B Mäder, Katzenstyg 48, Schwarzenburg; 031 731 28 78; Guestroom, dinner, breakfast
  • B&B Salzmann, Wartgässli 44, Schwarzenburg; 031 731 28 76/079 627 47 48; Guestroom, breakfast
  • B&B Nydegger, Bernstrasse 14, Schwarzenburg; 031 731 15 77; Guestroom, breakfast
  • B&B Christen, Zelgweg 34, Schwarzenburg; 031 731 16 45; Guestroom, breakfast
  • B&B Schmied, Steinhausstrasse 21, Schwarzenburg; 031 731 05 47; Guestroom, breakfast
  • B&B Rebetez, Unters Aebnit 9, Schwarzenburg; 031 731 26 83/079 624 43 34; Guestroom, breakfast
  • B&B Leuenberger, Torhalten 1, Schwarzenburg; 031 731 29 75/079 829 95 91; Guestroom, breakfast
  • Ausbildingzentrum, Kirchermatt 2, Schwarzenburg; 058 469 38 11; Hotel, dinner, breakfast
  • Gasthof Bühl, Thunstrasse 1, Schwarzenburg; 031 731 01 38; Hotel**, dinner, breakfast
  • Hôtel Restaurant Sonne, Dorfplatz 3, Schwarzenburg; 031 731 21 21; Hotel***, dinner, breakfast

Finding accommodation on this stage shouldn’t pose major difficulties. You’ll be in cities with all the necessary amenities. However, it’s still wise to make reservations for peace of mind.

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